Recordings of Previous Meetings

Scotland ITP Support Group Meeting November 2022

This is the recording of the Scotland ITP Support Group Meeting that took place on Thursday 10th November 2022 with Dr Catherine Bagot from Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Mervyn Morgan CEO of the ITPSA, Rhonda Anderson Senior Patient Mentor, ITPSA Board Member Derek Elston and fellow Board member Anthony Heard.

Sobi co-created the ITP discussion guide in partnership with the ITP Support Association to help you highlight your care goals, needs and preferences.

Use it together with your doctor to decide on a personalised care plan that’s right for you.

To download the ITP discussion guide, click here:

The December edition of the ITPSA’s Platelet Journal is now available to download. This edition contains a review of our events for ITP Awareness Week, a writeup from our colleague from ITP Italy (Aipit Italy) Barbara Lovrencic who writes about an adventure of a lifetime on the water. Plus, we have a preview of our 2023 Convention and how you can register for tickets. And we have a bonus, this edition also includes the new ITP Discussion Guide.

To download click here