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The UK & Ireland ITP Support Association Academic Scholarship Programme
The UK & Ireland ITP Support Association Academic Scholarship Programme
The ITPSA has been providing ITP patients and family members with reliable information and support through its many channels (website and social media), publications, regular patient meetings and annual conferences. During these difficult times we realise that many ITP patients and their families are finding it a struggle financially whilst living with a chronic disorder, which is why we at the ITPSA have launched its scholarship fund. We also believe that education is the key to success.
Who is Eligible for the Scholarship?
Awards are restricted to Sixth Form students, current College or University students, or adults who have gone back into full time education (as of September 2022) who have ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia).
How to Apply?
Please provide an 800-to-1000-word essay which details how your ITP has resulted in your growth as a person; what you learned about your own strengths and weaknesses. Tell us about your ITP Journey. Please note the winning entries will be published in the Platelet Journal and on the ITP Support Association website and Social Media Channels. Applications must be submitted with the application form and emailed to
If you feel that having a chronic illness such as ITP has helped you choose a career path, describe how, and explain why you feel this way and what you have done to meet these educational goals. Explain what your plans are for the future in meeting your educational responsibilities, in light of your struggles with a platelet disorder.