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ITP in Pregnancy Registry
The ITP Support Association is sole funder of the ITP Childhood Registry and part funder of the ITP Adult Registry. The data collected by these registries has increased the understanding of ITP resulting in improved management practices.
Dr Sue Robinson of Guys and St Thomas’s Hospital in London is about to set up a new ITP in Pregnancy Registry which the ITP Support Association has agreed to fund. It will run in conjunction with the Adult ITP Registry, and it is hoped that it will identify the women who need lots of additional care and those that just need a gentle eye.
Dr Robinson explained “Pregnancy in women with ITP accounts for almost 1 in a 1000 pregnancies in the UK. Pregnancy is a precious time, health care professionals endeavour to provide patient focused care and where possible we must avoid over medicalising pregnancy in women with ITP. How doctors and midwives look after women with ITP in pregnancy has changed over time. To define best practice and determine exactly when additional treatment is really required data collection regarding expectant mothers with ITP women and their newborns is essential. The planned addition of an ITP in Pregnancy Registry to the Adult ITP registry is an opportunity not to be missed!”