News, Recordings of Previous Meetings

All Ireland ITP Support Association Virtual Patient Meeting – October 2024

This video is a recording of the All Ireland ITP Support Association Virtual Patient Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024. These meetings are an opportunity for those with ITP to Connect with fellow patients, caregivers, and obtain advice from ITPSA Medical Advisors, at this meeting we had ITPSA Medical Advisor Dr Gerard Crotty. The meeting was hosted by Mervyn Morgan from the ITPSA. Among the items discussed were Covid and Flu vaccinations, its that time of year. Splenectomy – is it still an option? Shingles Vaccine. The following video has been published regarding the immunisation programme in the UK:

This is a link to the GSK Shingles Vaccine page for Ireland:…

Future meetings, visit for details.

You can download a copy of the Shared Decision-Making document for FREE from the ITP Support Association website at

Our ITP Discussion Guide is also available to download from

If you require a hard copy of the above mentioned documents please email with your details. The recordings of each of the talks from our Annual ITP Patient convention (May 2024) are now available to watch on our YouTube Channel, to view the whole playlist go to

Please visit our YouTube channel, we have over 130 ITP related videos to view for free.

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