ITP Awareness Week

ITP Awareness Week 2021

Whats on!

North East of England ITP Patient Support Group – Monday 20th September at 7pm.
To kick off ITP Awareness Week we are pleased to announce the launch of the North East of England ITP Patient Support Group with their first Meeting on Monday 20th September 2021 with a 7pm start. The meeting will take place using the Zoom Video conferencing system. We will have Dr Vickie McDonald from Barts and Clinical Nurse Specialist Emily Stewart on hand  to answer any patient questions. To register (free) go to North East of England ITP Support Group.
As with all of our Support Group meetings they are open to all.

Shared Decision Making Document for the management of ITP – Being launched on Tuesday 21st September.
The ITP Support Association in partnership with the UK ITP Forum is pleased to announce that the two organisations have come together to produce a document designed to help and support patients during their ITP Journey. Electronic copies of the document will be available on 21st September via our website and social media, printed copies will be available shortly after.

Paediatric ITP Support Group Meeting – Wednesday 22nd September at 7pm.
The ITP Support Association is pleased to announce as part of ITP Awareness Week, it will be hosting the Imperial College Healthcare Trust Paediatric ITP Support Group Zoom meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 22nd September 2021. We will be joined by Dr. Nichola Cooper and members of her team who will be on hand to answer any patient questions. To register (free) go to Paediatric ITP Support Group Meeting.

For the end of ITP Awareness Week we are working on a joint event with some of our internationals friends, keep checking our website and social media for details.