
International ITP Alliance: Updates and upcoming events

International ITP Alliance: Updates and upcoming events

Our good friend, Nancy Potthast, Director of Marketing at the Platelet Disorder Support Association in the United States of America has produced this update for which is the website for the ITP International Alliance.

First and foremost, I’d like to direct you all to the COVID-19 page that has been added to  Here you will see a listing of helpful government websites from around the world, ITP & COVID-19 Support Resources and several other country-specific ITP & COVID-19 resources that have been supplied by our members.  If you see anything missing or have any additional items that would be helpful to add to this page, please let me know.  Several industry partners have expressed their admiration for the numerous comprehensive resources that our members have pulled together in such a short time.

The Global ITP News section of continues to grow.  Be sure to check the section regularly for treatment updates and events taking place around the world and continue to send me new events –

If you have not already seen the clinical trials section on, you can find that information here:  I strongly encourage each of you to visit this section often as we are regularly updating with new clinical trials around the world.  It’s exciting to see all of the studies now being done for ITP!  Again, if you know of any studies that we have not included, please let me know.

The ITP Support Association in the UK are celebrating 25 years of patient support and advocacy for ITP patients!  CONGRATULATIONS!  Due to COVID-19, their yearly convention, which had already been moved to October from May will now be in a Virtual Format.  Be sure to check the website for updates:

The PDSA ITP Conference 2020 has now been transitioned to a VIRTUAL format and will be held on August 1-2, 2020.  We invite all International ITP Alliance members to register using the member registration link here:  We promise not to disappoint – our virtual event will still be as engaging and inspiring as our in-person conferences!  Visit the PDSA conference page for complete details, agenda and speakers  Looking forward to “seeing” you all in cyberspace!

International ITP Alliance Annual Symposium update: at the current time, we are still closely monitoring the global pandemic.  Our goal is to still try and meet in person if it’s safe to do so, but if we cannot meet in person, we will also transition this important meeting to a virtual platform.  More details forthcoming as the situation develops.

Best wishes
