Coronavirus Covid-19 Hub

Covid 19 Vaccine and Boosters Q&A Meeting

Covid 19 Vaccine and Boosters Q&A Meeting

7pm Thursday 17th February 2022

Click here to register

Two years into the Covid-19 Pandemic and the main topic raised in emails, phone calls and letters is still the virus and the vaccines.

We are acutely aware from the messages received from members around the world that patients and caregivers managing ITP continue to have specific questions and concerns related to COVID-19, the vaccines and more recently boosters.

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we have organised a further Q and A session with some of the top ITP Specialists available. Prof Adrian Newland and Dr Sue Pavord, other ITP experts may also be joining us, subject to availability.

You will be able to ask your questions direct or if you prefer send us your question and we will put it to the experts for you.

Registration is free, we will then send you the Zoom link nearer the meeting date